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Saturday, June 14, 2008 . 12:11 AM

whatthehell lah ive done that quiz 3 times already but it shows that the post still leaves off at where i ended the previous time I didn't complete it. fzdsfsdfxct.

hmm. what shall i blog about. ohyah my iTunes dissapeared as I reformatted my computer ages ago. and I never actually re-dl'ed the thing (: so now my whole library in the iPod itself has to resync....my songs :( i dont really want to re-download all 278 of my songs using Ares again. Sometimes it takes DAYS.

Today was supposed to go for the kindergarten reunion thingy, but I got back like at, 12.45, and they were meeting infront of cineleisure at 1 0.0 so I didn't go. furthermore I have to go for tuition later :( I hate tuition. Somemore its boring science can!

Training today was...empty? there were only 4 of us! wth. C'Div decided not to go, except for me and dian shao ^^ B'Div practically no one went except Delwin hahaha. Chervin went LAN instead of GYM, and what does he play there!? runescape. If its dota then it'll be a little more understandable, but runeesccappee! Anyway who in the world goes LAN in the morning-unless you're a hardcore gamer duh.

So we were training happily and not-that-slackily when lin came at abt 10.15. He didn't even bother coming over to where we were training, just sat there writing stuff ^^ sweeet. we left at like 11.30, coz' i had intended on going for the reunion thing, but I didn't go in the end hehe. As stated above.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 . 12:14 AM

yeahh I'm gonna watch my missed-out Kung-Fu Panda with my family soon. Maybe tomorrow? Training was quite okay tdae hehe, after that they were hacking everybody's handphones using bluutooth (: nice way to access personal msges of others xD You can actually make the other person dial 999 without his knowledge -.- how cool is that.

haha here's the quiz that sulin tagged me to do. She disabled left clicking so i have to manually type everything out 0.0

All that instructions thing are a direct rip okay. Not my creation!


Remove 1 question from below and add in your personal question then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will get a blessing from all.

(That sounds so ....fake. but nevermind.)

1. Do you like your present school? Yeah, I guess so.

2. What do you want the most now? Relaxing without homework! haha. And stuff that I won't disclose (:

3. What type of people do you hate? Idiots, irritants that don't know how to properly irritate people.

4. Do you hate your friends sometimes? I dont really hate anyone, actually. But if i hate someone, they wouldnt be a friend right?

5. Are you afraid of death? nah.

6. What is your goal this year? Get all the gym medals! hahaha. nice aspiration eh. And of course do well in studies (:

(Now it jumps to 14. Don't ask why, I don't know)

14. Who would you probably spend the rest of your life with? HOW'D I KNOW? family luh.

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? Leisure, and friends (:

16. Do you find your life meaningless? well. I do think of it sometimes. what do we live for, anyway?

17. What do you live for? d

i shall edit the post and write the rest later. haha

Monday, June 9, 2008 . 7:40 AM

hey. finally I updated hahah.

It's the holidays. Yeah right. Sure doesn't feel like one. Everyday have to wake up at 8++, loads of homework to waste time over. Not to mention ace. Screw it. Furthermore my computer's sound ain't working, so my music is rendered...useless :( and my ie (internet explorerr) shuts down for no proper reason, like got attitude -.- AND my msn takes more than 1/2 hour to just log in. Not like i'm making it add 1000 contacts, it's just LOGGING IN. That sucks.

The niaooo coach didn't come today (: So training was pretty okay, the majority of gymmers went to watch Kung-Fu Panda today after training, but I had to do a stupid maths ACE project so I didn't join em :/ See how time-wasting ace and homework is.

This (ahem.) classmate of mine breaks into people's secured friendster profiles, steals pictures that is above his set average, and looks at them....when, I do not know (: dota wastes my time, like, 2-3 hrs often, but I still play it. It does nothing good except maybe hand-eye coordination and teamwork. That's good enough (:

Oh yeah. I lost my handphone when I went out >.< That was ages ago, like 3 mths I think, but I haven't gotten a new one yet.. I bet someone stole it. Otherwise it wouldn't just dissapear right! It sure didn't fall, neither did I leave it anywhere and forget. (But if i forgot, I wouldn't remember putting it there. hmm. xS ) Someone get me a new handphone ^^