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Wednesday, July 18, 2007 . 5:03 AM

SOTHERE. im blogging.

The whole week full of gym competitions, yay (: i got to miss school with the competitors as the coach asked me to, so yeah. i havent been going school for the whole week ^^ So far A, B and C Div' boys have all gotten gold! HAHA. we pwned SJI and RI. :) Triple championship, kinda reminds me of when p6 that time, tri - championship too XD we pwned nanyang during that time~

I saw this girl (JC 1 i guess ) walking to J8 from the stadium today while I was walking out, and then we looked at each other from across the road. She was super familiar can! I think she trains in HPPS last time, maybe now still x) then she was like, "I KNOW you! " then she continued walking with her boyfriend, while i continued back to the stadium. Anywae tomorrow have to go back to school ler. T.T i SOO do not want to go to school tomorrow! damn. i hate school. okayy I saw Lien Chiew at Junction8 today also b4 i left to go back too the stadium, and he was wearing his army uniform. i didnt even recognize him at first glance lor! XDD he was scared that his seargant would see him and scold him, but why would ur seargant scold you for fun ` ` yeah had to go back, so i stopped for like a super short period of time b4 going off.

i saw like, so many henryparkers at the competition! HAHA! most frm SJI though. and we pwned them~ wahahha. enough of the egostreak. I dont wanna imagine the amnt of homework waiting for us, well as earlier said i dont even wanna go school ^^ but at least friday no need to go sch again, gym again ! tomorrow is the primary school competitions, and hpps changed their leotard frm blu and white -----> red and black. according to Ari it wuz becoz alot of schls had our leotard. copycats. Ari also said that our blu and white one (the one i wore) sucked and the one now looked better. Fine, the one now looks quite nice lahh, but our one does not suck okay. it was quite nice. ><

I'll blog tomorrow okay? this is quite short, yes i know that x) oh and charis i tagged u ler

Thursday, July 12, 2007 . 5:01 AM

Hey ppl.. sry for not updating in like, super long. coz i didnt feel like updating! (: anywae Min Gao tagged me in that stupid quiz of his, so anywae lets get on with it. X)

The Rules:

1:Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself.

2: People who got tagged must write in their blog and state this rule clearly.

3: At the end of the game, list down some people to be tagged and NO TAGBACKS!!
hmmm. what shall i say.

1. I hate some types of people, namely ________ .
2. I lurve gatecrashing!
3. Can I update this another time?

yeah, i shall! (: but i wont miss out on the TAGGING part. HAHA. (who would even do this quiz. hmm. xD)

Huay Yee!
Yee Xing!
Ren Hui!


Anywae, injured my foot in gym tdae. Was doing pommel (oh so crappily) when I landed wrongly on my foot and sprained it. T.T OW. ohoh how was the jap CA3 ? I ponned it. wahahaha. but not on purpose, i had training~ having this Science test tomorrow, have to mugg... i hate mugging.

There was this play thing in our school during assembly, SERIOUSLY farnie ! XD but it was a bit stupid also, come to think of it. I didnt go for the Sixer's Training Camp, i wanted to lorr. Too much homework. GAH. ohYEAH LIVEEARTH RAWKS! it was seeerrriooussllyyy nice lahh, with LINKIN PARK, FALL OUT BOY, RIHANNA, BLACK EYED PEAS, BON JOVI and a whole load more sey. 150 artists, 24 hrs! For those who missed it , sad for you. wahahahaha! thats mean xDD

Went for gym training these past few days non-stop, everydae do the routine for everything... still its fun(: My vault always so NEAR. must habit myself to go farr.FAR. yeah. J Kee hasnt been coming to school for like, 2 days due to swimming competitions. (she's the WaterPolo TIC)wanted to ask her about the group circle project tdae, but she wasnt there. grrr. didnt really matter, when we went to LT3,abt last wk or last last wk, Max and An Li were quite funny:

An Li : Haiyo...some people are just soo lazy you know (sarcastically, referring to Max)
Max: Like you lor
An Li : And some people are naturaly hardworking! (refers to himself)
Max: Like me lor

JJ commented that an li was a tyrant . i shant say anything^^ got two blisters which havent burst today, on my hands. urrh. Mur Fei was admitted into hospital a few days ago coz he had an infection thru his blister. OW. Moral: TAKE CARE OF UR HANDS.

okay buhbye now