Monday, June 25, 2007 . 8:35 AM

In case you're wondering, the following quiz is ripped frm claudia's blog xD
Name: Sean Chan
Single or taken: Single =)
Sex: Male
Birthday: 14th March 1994
Sign: Pisces
Siblings: 2
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height: 160cm
1 3 N A M E S
1. Jing Jie
2. Claudia
3. Huay Yee
4. Justin Foo
5. Ershad
6. Melinda
7. Neo
8. Joshua Tay
9. Ren Hui
10. Narisha
11. Hong Jie
12. Sulin
13. Min Gao
1) How and when did you meet 10?
CREATIVE! haha , '07
2)What would you do if you had never met 1?
No project collabs! no lahh, dunno actually
3)What would you do if 6 and 1 dated?
They dont know each other(:
4)Have you ever seen 4 cry?
No. interesting to see somedae xD
5)Would 11 and 2 make a good couple?
HAHA! id get killed if i sae anything =X
6)Is 13 cool?
Guess so
7)Do you think 12 is cute?
Quite xD
8)Tell me something about number 3:
Erm. She likes watching DeathNote Manga and she <3>9)How do you know 8?
hpps 5F/6F ' 05/'06!
10.)What's 7's favorite color?
11)What would you do if 6 just confessed they liked u:
I'd drive into the wall HAHA (no josh, im not kiling ur friend.)
12)When was the last time you talked to number 2?
Last night
13) Last but not least, tell me about number 9, is this someone that you would date?
Hell no, he's a BOY
tadaa! done. havent been finding stuff to post lately, and now im randomizing(:
Monday, June 18, 2007 . 5:35 AM
hey ppl.. yeah, havent been blogging in like, ages xD reasons are, well.. 1.Too lazy (most likely doing other stuff, like PS2-ing haha)2.Plain buzy T.T (stuff lyk homework and all. yesh its alot. )3.umm.the top 2! (:yupp. so, shall blog about lots of stuff!, shall start where?
Went for TANK'S concert quite some time back, but WHOOT! TANK! and I got his auTOGRAph!(: on the album~ concert was held at HCJC lehh! and FREE admission for HC ppl! so I went with a couple of gym friends and it was actually something like, going to schools to promote his new album( chose HC seyy.good choice!) then he sang a bunch of songs like 专属天使,非你莫属,街-霸王,and others all frm his album ^^ really nicee, whoot. and i got an exTRA autograph, hehehe, which means i got 2! X)anyone want songs? i have(:
Next shall blog about the movie outing~ well, a bunch of us 6Fers went plus some others, namely Theoodore, Ershad, Me, my cousin Eugene, Justin (Foo), Claudia, Melinda and Huayyee.Caught Shrek 3 , quite nice i suppose, quite funny haha. Was Shrek 2 nicer? hmm. Then we (SO EXCLUDING eugene and justin) boys wanted to go LAN play CS and kill people(hEhE no ^^), but the girls wanted to take neoprints, so we kinda ran round and round while they were trying to drag us along.(u shld have just JOINED us to LAN(: but i know u guys want to shop. xD)in the end they managed to bring us along. haizzz >< JUSTIN FOO AND EUGENE wanted to go back to my house to play PS, and it wouldnt be nice to go back without me. whatthehell lah. go back if you want lor, dun drag me along. i dont get to play everydae like you all lor, shldnt have brought you(specifying one.youknowwhothehellyouare) along, you bloody selfish whiner.urrhhh.on a scolding streak, you guys wanna go to MY house leh. NB. just to play PS.go back urself.dont you dare drag me along. i can LAN if i want. NOT up to you. get that?