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Friday, March 30, 2007 . 7:14 AM

i havent posted in like, 4 days cos ive been feeling REALLY lazy.(HAHAHAHA.) i feel super high now as i just came back from the HPPS ANNIVERSARY!!!! it was TOTALLY AWESOME.TOTALLY. there were gym performances, dance and orchestra,all were GREAT!the piano soloist is SOO talented, he was playing three to four pieces at one go, one after the other, without the script thing, and the final performance, the drumming one, was EXCELLENT! this boy was playing the drums lyk a super pro haha; i was interviewed by this project grp halfway thru, and they asked me a question regarding the concert in CHINESE! but i still replied, i thought i replied lyk crap, but the teacher said it was not bad.WOW.(: the food was pretty good, and i chatted with Mr Teo , Mrs Leong and Mr Lim haha.

the people who went were claudia, huay yee, steven, dylan, me! X),alex, theodore, lih khuang, hong jie and sulin. u guys rock! ^^ Mr Lim was wearing this shiny nametag, and Nat + Chris are gna BREAKDANCE at the DANCEDANCE thing at MGS tomorrow! Nat showed me a move, hes GOOD. claudia VOTE FOR HIM!!!(: yeah u said u would.Xp btw grats HY on ur new lappie~

I have a blasted scouts camp tomorrow which i REALLY dont feel like attending, i dont even have the PACKIN lisT! i missed the first day(today) for the "sparks-igniting your talents" HPPS aniversary, totally worth it!(:

Monday, March 26, 2007 . 5:09 AM

woah did i mention that ARENA ON SUNDAY was totaly AWESOME!?

i suppose i didnt, i could blog yestrdae but i was feeling SOO lazy, so yeah im blogging todae instead!(: the excitement was massive at the studio yestrdae, with the big camera on a long long black extension sweeping ovr the crowd, and i was FILMED! yes, i was at the adge of the block of seats, fourth or fifth row i cant remember, but when the show starts when the cam is sweeping, ill be one of the first to be seen~Xp HC fought hard but the result was.....hmm. i shall follow Adrian Pang(cool he was up close!): "I have the results right here.....*takes out card*..... but shall not tell you now haha~ its time for a break , see you after this!" then the whole crowd moaned hhahaaaa, then Adrian went "HAHAHAHAHA~(demonic laugh, with arms spread apart)" and that was farnie (: in the end , HC ====================LOST. UWC WON by a score of 22-78......haix, but UWC WAS good , so grats UWC! Khan even kissed the cup hahx! yeah, b4 the results were announced on the results show, they featured a few snippets of previous debates btween other schs on the two BIG scren on the right and left, and the funniest was when RI vs this school with green pinefor( correct spelling?><) , and the green debator was going in a very act- cute -and- babyish way:"Mummy say when we grow up, must..........so we must.....you know" acting cute, then RI's debator Chatek(or Catek? SORRY i cant remember!), the best debator of the RI team, went to rebutt real fast and went" how credible is your mummy?" that made everyone laugh lyk craaazy, go watch it tomorrow!(:

well what else do i have to blog about? well nothing much actually, just that Joshua wants me to post about him HEHX........so hmm. Josh is 13, is in RV, is a BBall player and plays GunBound and Survival Project. He lyks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , (can be ANYONE okay) and he has this uglie RV girl chasing after him haha... currently all members of SB online( huay yee, joshua, melinda, claudia) their PM's are rather angry, with "eff" and stuff hehx...... hmm. lets blog abt a member of both ESS and SB~

---haha---Claudia is 13, bdae 22 January 1994( sorry for the error, really!), and is in MGS. She is a netballer and likes to snap photos; she hates nuts and has a torn ligament(ouch. GWS! XP) anywaes, she's great ovrall haha XD

Saturday, March 24, 2007 . 8:06 AM

hey everyone, sorry for not updating for the past 4 days, was rather lazy haha.....X) well, I just changed my blogskin from the previous Maplestory-The Third Flight to this SpiderMan skin! Its raining REALLY heavily now, just now it was heavy light heavy light, now its pure heavy haha. I also just stuck my head out the window, and the temperature dropped like CRAZY. now its REAL cool outside!(: global warming!haha:)

I just remembered that the HPPS Anniversary dinner is THIS FRIDAE! not that i FoRgOt, just that i forgot it was THIS friday. and i have a Scouts Recruits Camp frm this fridae thru Sundae! OMG. I'll try my best to miss the first day, so i can attend! Looking out the window, its like everywhere i see is the same storm cloud, meaning its BIG. the rain is starting to lessen a lil', and oh yeah two days ago there was an LIGHTNING STORM right above my hse, so its like the lightning kept on illuminating my whole room and the garden , and that was quite cool hahx~ back to the rain topic, its gotten much lesser now sigh....i wanted it to last through the night !wheee~~~

Tomorrow I'll be going to TCS for the ARENA GRAND FINALS!!!!! I'm feeling rather excited now, only a limited people of 150 could go, lucky i registered early (: its HWACHONG VS UNITED WORLD COLLEGE! UWC is good, but hope that HC can beat them as HC is GOOD TOO! X) Speaking of matches, i just watched the FINALS of the Water Polo Championships-ACS Barker VS Hwachong, and lucky for my class we got to go out of 6 classes! We cheered REAL hard, and we were lyk,"HC better win lor!" and we were going abit "siao" when HC started thrashing ACS in the 4th quarter, final score=ACSB 6 HC 14 excellent score! the proceedings were abit scary 00:

1st Quarter:

2nd Quarter:

3rd Quarter:

4th Quarter:
ACSB5 HC10(By this time HC was cheering lyk crazy!Xp)
ACSB6 HC11(We were chanting "Champions " by this time haha (: )

ACS Barker scored two own goals, more of HC striker rams the ball and it deflects of an ACS person for one, and the other is an AC person accidentally nudges the ball into the goal while swimming to defend hahaaa~

Will blog tomorrow after Arena if possible, pls tag!thanks(:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 . 8:35 AM

Hi guys!

Havent blogged in the past two days, sry about that. I really dont feel like blogging currently, but I'll still do it.Xp Joshua's finally gotten himself a new blog, if interested his URL is http://www.thekonvict.blogspot.com Josh u gotta realize that if you want people to link you, you shld link them too okay. SO STOP BEING LAZY! XD yep. im currently feeling a little weird, hmmm...... well~i suppose this song describes it...? X/

2 a.m. and the rain is falling
Here we are at the crossroads once again
You're telling me you're so confused
You can't make up your mind
Is this meant to be
You're asking me

But only love can say - try again or
walk away
But I believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day
So I'll just play my part
And pray you'll have a change of heart

But I can't make you see it through.
That's something only love can do

In your arms as the dawn is breaking
Face to face and a thousand miles
I've tried my best to make you see
There's hope beyond the pain
If we give enough, if we learn to trust


I know if I could find the words
To touch you deep inside
You'd give our dream just one more
Don't let this be our good-bye

ta-da. there it is, "Only Love-Trademark" haha. I was chatting on MSN just now and we were drawing out 6F '06 'sfor fun haha.Apparently, a certain......*ahem ahem* person *clears throat* has abt 10 ppl lyking him/her.WOW thats alot! if u're wondering something like, "How do u noe that your info is true?" trust me, its most of the time correct, taken frm many sources, and its not ONLY me kay,XP

btw I have this soft copy of a type of "guide"book,VRY helpful for some i suppose. if you're wondering what isit, just ask me k~i somehow have been given the rights to sell it, so i can SELL it to you guys and make MONEY!!!$$$$$ nah just joking abt the "i wanting to sell"part lels haha`````if you guys want it, just go ahead and ask me okay.

oh yeah, a few wks ago this gym friend came to me and was like,"hey sean, you sing rather well, really." I gave him the "what in the world are you talking bout?" type of look, i SING?erm,F1! okay i didnt really ask him about that anymore, and currently i feel down.fzzzt.[crash][crack] [completelyBroKeN.] sighs.

tomorrow is Founders Day, so there will b NO classes tomorrow!(: and sch ends at 10.30~ and there is no CCA! thats nice, except that im feeling DOWN currently, so any happy spirit has been dampened. hehx.......

Sunday, March 18, 2007 . 10:57 AM

hey guys~amazingly my anger has just dissapeared,like POOF and its gone.im actually RETYPING all this as just now an error occured and it all dissapeared!GRRRR.oh well, never minds. I was mapling today when I saw this "Wedding Going To Commence"thing on the FM board, its quie common, but i just decided to go up to the Heaven Palace and guess what? the couple was outside getting people and I asked, and got invited!that was quite cool, thanks btw~ I was reading this really nice story, introduced to me by Mel, thanks ~~~i remember this really nice paragraph haha XXp:

Come on, be brave, just three words!
“Hey.” I muttered, softer this time. I did not want others to hear me.
“Hey.” He replied. That idiot. Can’t he see that I’m struggling to say something to him?
“Hey.” I said again.
“Hey.”“Hey, hey.”
“Can I…” he stopped.
“Wait.” I felt as if this conversation was going nowhere.
“Hold your-”

awwwwwwwww.(o.O haha)so nice hehs XD........Its lyk,2.22 in the morning, Monday and I STILL havent finished my HW.thats rather sad, haiz....nvm.I alos forgot all about this really nice song, re-introduced to me today(okay, YESTERday)by Mel, titled"Only Love-Trademark", its a NICE song, you guys shld go listen to it!haha```not much to blog about today, oh yeah my sis and mom went to Sentosa 2dae for the NUS Beach Fiesta, my sis as the Organiser and my mom going there to hlp out,the thing is, both of them came back sunburnt, and my mom was a little M
ORE sunburnt than my sis, but she was sitting i the tent while my sis was running about.lels hhaa, most probably bcos my mom hardly goes out....?yeah, maybe.Xp btw, today (okok yesterday.O.o haha XXp)is my sis's bdae!18 March, HAPPY 20thBIRTHDAE! come to think of it, the story i was reading , part of it is posted on claudia's blog yeah. and sean SUNYOTO said that you(claudia)were his com partner b4, so you shld know him>>>>>>>?hahaXD

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Saturday, March 17, 2007 . 10:12 AM

okay im REALLY pissed right now. to the MAX.maybe bcos im feeling EMO, im nt sure.BAH. what im feeling= sian+angry+sad+flustered+nervous+dissapointed+tired. yep, thats it. what im listening to right now: "In This Life - Westlife-Fact To Face" .......yeah, its a nice song.

the lyrics are as follows Xp. :

For all i've been blessed with in this life,
There was an emptiness in me.
I was imprisoned by the power of gold.
With one honest touch you sent me free.

Let the world stop turning.
Let the sun stop burning.
Let them tell me love's not worth going through.
If it all falls apart,

I will know deep in my heart
The only dream that mattered
had come true:
In this life i was loved by you.

For every mountain i have climbed,
Every raging river crossed,
You were the treasure that i longed to find.
Without your love i would be lost.

Let the world stop turning.
Let the sun stop burning.
Let them tell me love's not worth
going through.

If it all falls apart,
I will know deep in my heart
The only dream that mattered
had come true:
In this life i was loved by you.

I know that i won't live forever,
But forever i'll be loving you.

Let the world stop turning.
Let the sun stop burning.
Let them tell me love's not worth
going through.

If it all falls apart,
I will know deep in my heart
The only dream that mattered
had come true:
In this life i was loved by you.
In this life i was loved by you.

yep.its a GREAT song. well "A Heart Without A Home" at this point of time to me is rather nice too, but i wont type all the lyrics down or else my post would be TOO long. OH I just remembered another SUPER nice song "Amazing-Westlife". I shall write down its lyrics heh.Xp

the lyrics are as follows:

Your Like A Storm Against The Window,
Follow Me Round Just Like A shadow,
I'll Swim A Never Ending Ocean,
Until You Bring Back Your Devotion,

It's Like I've Lived A Dozen Lifetimes,
Still Looking For The One That Feels Right,
See Moving On Just Isnt Working
You Lit The Fire That I'm Burning,

And All I Can Do Is Protect It,
A Lie For The Sake Of My Pride,
When All The Others Set Me Thinking,
We Could Be More Than Just Amazing,

I Guess Im Holding Onto My Face,
A Sign Of Hope Im Heading Your Way,
And Crawling Under Is So Tempting,
We Could Be More Than Just Amazing

And All I Can Do Is Protect It,
A Life For The Sake Of My Pride,
When All The Others Set Me Thinking,
We Could Be More Than Just Amazing,

I Couldnt See It I Must Of Believed A
If I had of Made It, Would You Let Me
Make It Right,

Is It All Wrong?, Ya See It All Wrong,

We Could Be More Than just, We
Could Be More Than Just Amazing,

and all i can do is protect it,
i lie for the sake of my pride, when
all the others set me thinking, we could
be more than just amazing,

all i can do is protect it, i lie for the
sake of my pride when all the others
set me thinking its a part of what im
feeling we could be more than just

okay there. when did i first hear that song? oh yeah at the "Westlife-Face To Face Concert Singapore 0'6" (the date was last year if im not wrong), and they sang it BRILLIANTLY. gosh. now the time is......1.35 am, 18 Mar.sigh its the last dae of the Hols. saaaaaaaaaaaaaad.and still a little pissed.


Friday, March 16, 2007 . 9:15 AM

Wow time really flies.and im feeling a little EMO right now, my turn? ERPS.>.< and yeah, my maple can finally work again ! woots haha~(addressed to Brian and a few others, IF ur maple still cant work, and addressed to Joshua: yes I still play Gunbound, dun worry)XXD. "Stomp The Yard" is GOOD, its REALLY NICE.neo u didnt come.GAH, nvm u had training i suppose......hehs :/ currently chatting with a bunch of HPPS people all in the same convo, feeling bored.hmmm.00 i have this First Aid test for scouts tomorrow(or practically today, as its 12.26 now ) and i havent gotten a single item for the kit haha, it ttlly slipped my mind!gosh nvm.gta slp nowsshall blog when i have time, STILL havent touched my Chi HW.sighs.and thats not only cos of my Chi Hw~~~

Thursday, March 15, 2007 . 4:48 AM

its the 15th.....thats a lil' sad, not my Bdae anymoree!haha doesnt matter--i shall stay POSITIVE!even though thats a bit hard to do, as I have this IS (Infocomm Studies btw) project due TODAY,11.59 pm, and i HAVE to finish all my chinese homework todae too, to make my Fridae free.and i have Gym tomorrow, couldnt go yestrdae as i was SIcK.gym ends at 12, and dear(O.o haha.)SB is meeting up at 12.mmm.cant u guys push it back!? oh well nvm hehs~right now im STILL not finishing my IS, gta HURRIE! ill blog soon if i have time i hope, pls link!~

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 . 6:32 AM

Heys.....tdae is my BDAE!!! yeah i know that i mentioned that in my previous post, but nvm i shall mention it again haha. I went out for lunch with my familie at Jack's Place and bought back a Tiramisu(=p yum.) as a bdae cake, cut and ate it l8r at home haha~ yeah i had this bowling party at West Bowl, and sadly mny people couldnt make it, 1.Joshua had 7 projects O.o (thats alot) , 2.Brian either thought that it was TOMORROW(14 Mar is 2dae, NOT tomorrow) or he frgt to tell his mom, so he couldnt go. and 3.Neo had training and 4.Eunice had a church camp +Steven had a Orch.camp. hehes~ SB totally couldnt go, mel i dunno whys, HY in Dubai( its a nice place actually.XD) and the third saying that she wont go if no gals go, and i think Mel's reason was that too......was it something else? haha. and currently i got lagged out of MSN thx to a HPPER who mass added 10 + ppl and spammed. and im taking Panadols now!yeah i think i have a slight fever......got down with it tdae. My Bdae!thats not vry luckie.......oh well haha. my family is gna celebrate my Sista'z bdae tmrw as she is VRY busy other than tomorrow preparing for hr Beach Fiesta(refer to previous entry!), so hope that i can eat all the stuff tomorrow!haha im a little 贪吃。haha^^still feeling a bit feverish, but nvm shall continue typing all this down lels......feeling hot now, mayb my fever is going away? nah, its just the panadol. btw my current DP is a neoprint of SB(stormbreakers!) without Neo as he was sick haha....Quite a few think Josh is a girl HAHAHAHA.lels!
hafiz says:
hafiz says:
hafiz says:
are u the only boy there in ur dis pic

and such, got a few more such messages but frgt to copy it down. Joshua looks like a girl in there?........maybe haha.XXD

okay my Speakers on my com isnt working AGAIN due to spyware.URRH.brrr feel ill again.><
oh yeah my bdae party today was bowling(i mentioned that?yeah i did), so only Me, Lih Khuang, Justin Foo and Samuel were there.but we still had LOADS of fun!!! the three of us(Justin, Me, Samuel) played one round first and I WON.then LK came just in time for the 2nd round, even though we had bowled twice, so the machine let him bowl two times to even it out.and i WON (or did I lose?OO i cant remember!i think i won, if i lost, then i lost to Justin by 4 points arnd there.)for the 2nd time, and the third Sam didnt play as 1.We were abit low on cash 2. Samuel DIDNT wear socks(they're compulsory sam!but i guess its "excusable" as its ur first time in a bowling alley haha.) so he got blisters according to him.(: Justin kept on singing "Aint no mountain high enough......" "Jingle Bells,jingle bells...." and "Marikita Rakyat Singapurasa...." in a SUPA funy voice which ALWAYS distracted me.GAH! and he kept distracting me with stuff lyk"hey look, ur father!" mmhmm okay.OH YEAH 4gt to mention, after our 2nd rnd we planned to stop, but this man waiting for his friends was watching us bowl and came over to offer advice on bowling!that was quite cool, he told us stuff abt positioning and how to throw the ball, which we found REALLY useful. after that our shots bcame vry ZAI(哈哈XD...)but i couldnt score well cos of Justin.hehs nvm Xp. in the end, Justin got a score of 107(woah.恭喜!哈哈。thats high! but to claudia it'll be EASY to obtain, yeah we know you're GREAT at the game =p) and i got only 66.thats LOW!oh well doesnt matter, we had a ball of a time.

We went to this LAN shop( yeah good news Josh, the LAN shop is open now.)and the rates were: VIP=$1 Members=$1.50 Normal=$3......that was rather cheap!so we went in and my friend (haha thats helpful!) treated me for 1/2 hr as he had to go back at 6 and he was following me.SAD HAD TO GO BACK EARLIER! SIGHS. btw thx for the treat!(see i mentioned u in my post haha~)we played a bit of Maplestory, maybe 5 mins, then played CS. actually it was me VS LK and i kept on killing him haha, even though he killed me sometimes.was abit RUSTY okay XD.then the two ppl JUST behind us (we- can- see -their -screens- type of behind us )joined our game and they were quite okay i suppose, and we played for a while more b4 we went home.Justin went for his track training in the WET WEATHER(可怜....?haha) and Sam went in another direction, whereas me and LK went to get McFlurries each and while waiting for my Mom, had nothing bttr to do so we chatted abt Sch Life.hehs and some other stuff too, *secret*.uh huh okayyy.well that kinda sums up the little party haha, and i frgt to mention that in the second round i scored a STRIKE and in the second and third rounds 2-3 spares!wheee haha.

oh yeps thanks Justin, Samuel and Lih Khuang for being able to come!and LK( sounds like DK O.o) thanks for the not -very-full 3rd Job A-Cash crd.....haha.get a proper PRESENT!JKJKJK.XD thanks Sam for the present, its a book right?havent opened it yet, shall do it after this vry vry long post, and i calculated my birthdae money=$185! thats not bad, still wants an iPod hahahahaha~~~=p ive "neglected" my IS project due TOMORROW, and i suppose its quie alot.....haix.fever fever fever hmmm.wheee.SB 4evA`````i learnt a knew word thanks to claudia haha, its nothing bad."effervescent", supposed to mean full of joy or something lyk that yeah. and Josh pls stp saying that -nameless- is my-fzzzzzt.-.how in the world did u even come up with that idea.haha will blog tomorrow most likely, pls tag!aha`

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 . 8:39 AM

hi everyone!

In abt 20 mins it'll be my 13th BIRTHDAY!woooots~hapy birthdae to me!haha (: i shall try to make this post a long one, my b4 "bdae"post(even though it isnt my borthdae YET)haha. yeah think i'll have a bowling party at West Bowl, btw its located directly behind Clementi Sports Stadium, near Jack's Place(practically the same building) i didnt book lanes, so REALLy HoPE that there will be lotsa lanes available!GAH. XD i havent touched my IS project which is due on Thurs, so -nameless- please can hlp me out?(u customized ur own blog, yeah i think you know who u are now) yays my hearing has NORMALIZED, so im NOT DEAF.(: i know what i want for my birthdae now.....an iPod?yeah think so haha. now who is going........hmm. Neo, Joshua, Samuel, Justin(Foo, dun worry.), Brian, and others im still LASt MINUTE inviting haha. btw, SB!!!!! pls have a meeting on Fri kayy.haha im -****sick-.urrh.its nothing vulgar btw! well my Sis is organising her NUS Beach Fiesta, and currently has probs as she nds a WHOLE LOAD more teams for soccer and volleyball, and its on 18 Mar, her bdae!so 可怜.......haha. xD i think ill be there too.i dunno really.okay gta slp now.....happy bdae to me again!(: and - nameless- pls try to come wors.

Sunday, March 11, 2007 . 7:42 PM

hihi everyone!yeah i think its confirmed what type of party i'l have, a bowling party i guess.hmm.I only can invite a limited amt of people, so SRY if u're not invited! XD Job Wking is tiring.....but at least can raise money haha!but none of it goes to me.(: Im gna watch Ghost Rider 2dae with my family for my birthday, and speaking of bdae's, mine is only 2 DAYS AWAY!!!wooots!!!~~~what i want for my birthday....hmm.nothing in particuar i guess, just something nice haha XD those who have a blog PLS LEAVE IT in the cbox so i can link u! thx~

Friday, March 9, 2007 . 6:55 AM

haha tdae my MSG(mean subject grade) came out, and i was fifth in class!(: but the score wasnt that great....XD yeah, we had to do a skit tdae, but out of the five ppl ( each grp=5 people), three didnt come so we had to do some on-the-spot adjustments as we had no script or anything!we did this little jingle and it was not bad itself, adding in that we had only TWO people and that we had NO script.haha~ i feel a little pissed at the moment.wont say why haha.GRRRR.but im tired too,XD so wil be gonna go sleep in a while---tdae was also the LASt dAy oF tHe TeRm!meaning the Mar hols are here and that my birthday is only 5 dayz away!woooots~but my hols will be quite bsy, having Job Wk and HW and stuff......hahax Xp oh yeah Josh i saw ur bro todae haha.and a REALLY HUGE SPIDER ON A REALLY HUGE WEB.seriously, it was like the biggest i had ever seen, easily bigger that my whole hand.(no exxageration) okay gonna slp now, will try to blog tmrrw too kayy. PLS COME ONLINE OR SMS!hehs~(you know who u r (: )

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 . 10:59 PM

Hey guys!(: sry for not updating for quite a while, was busy XD anywaes its like,exactly 1 hr 29 mins to my JAP CA!and i havent studied.GAH~the camp was quite fun, except that i got sunburnt a little and our lunch was always delayed for my grp.we learnt backwoodsman cooking and that was fun, and we slid down this big big slide into this muddy pool and THAT WAS AWESOME!(: i have been skipping my gym training a few times ler, not on purpose, but still feel a little guiltyXD haha. we had this venture thing to hlp us out with our projects dae, and i was selected by my classmates as grp leader hehs,we have to do this skit tomorrow and nothing is prepared!and i am SUPA nervous right now for my CA!~ wheee its 6 daes away frm my bdae!hope i can have a partie haha ---------------yes claudia, re-linked u haha XD

Sunday, March 4, 2007 . 8:25 AM

heys haven't updated for some time now......now its like, 12.07 Midnight,Mondae.so im going camping 2dae!haha.s1 camp at Serimbun, 3 daes 2 nights.and OH NONONO i havent even TOUCHED my japanese bks when there is a common test on Thur.GAH XD haha and as I am doing this, this Ad appears saying"Anna Nicole Smith Is Dead".....hmmm.:) and Man U WON!wohooo~(man utd 4eva~~~~) gna have a bdae party on 14 Mar, mayb bowling or pool party, havent decided.....anywae if u wanna come just tell me kayy haha.and i have this inscentive to learn the guitar by this someone.....haha.XD