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Friday, February 23, 2007 . 7:42 AM

yesh i know im updating vry near MIDNIGHT, but ill still update haha.well i got 18/20 = 90/100 for my HISTORY TERM TEST!!!woooots~ but i got a saddening b3 for Chi........69/100.AHH! `````1 MARK````` the injured guy is still in hospital(refer to prev. postXD) and my classmate is having a BBQ party tmrw....shld i go? haha dun think im going though.......SOCIALIZE! hehes XD SB pls have another meeting soon!~

Thursday, February 22, 2007 . 5:24 AM

hi people haha XD. a few things happened 2dae, and I blanked out fr my Jap tests! at least i only frgt 4 for my Katakana, and i actually knew 6 for my Kanji (i frgt 2 study!) ! (:

Things that happened 2dae"

1. This national gymnast training in the HC gym was training on the two high rings, when one of the rings went SNAP and the guy hit his head on the ring and metal wire( frm the ring to the ceiling) and his head bled.owwwwwwww.

2.I hit my small toe against the parallel bar and it got cut.OWOWOW

mmhmmm, yeah.and I have a Lit test and a Sc test tomorrow! gta study~XD

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 . 10:59 PM

hi people (: ~~~ typing this as i study for my DOUBLE Jap test(ARGHS>im gonna fail!) which i cant really remember the confusing KATAKANA.fzzzt.anywae the CNY party was quite okay and the girls were trying to play mahjong and were like, "hey, this tile doesnt look nice. lets throw it"hahaa~^^well, dylan and ershad didnt come ( u shld have come!>.<) and Brian is like addicted to my PC game.lels hahaha XD. sad i got b3 for my Eng assignment and b3(again) for my Math term test.both missed a2 by 1 MARK!!! sighs. btw anyone who wants to b linked feel free to say so okay.(: SB 4eva

Monday, February 19, 2007 . 12:27 AM

hey finally back frm M'sia~ the trip was super short, and all the "hong baos" were in Ringgit haha. did nothing much there, just stay in my grandparents' hse and ppl strt to come in and give hong bao xp there was no connection there as i had "foreseen"XD , so i just played my CD game to while time away; had a very ex. reunion dinner hahas, but the food was nice^^yeah so happy cny!~ i dunno if i shld go for MR SYAHKEER's guild meeting coz its on my b'dae mmhmmm. anywae happy CNY all!

Friday, February 16, 2007 . 5:00 AM

hahas`the definition of my name most graciously provided by babynames.com is:

God is gracious(hmmm.Oo)
Celtic/Gaelic(haha never knew~)
have SEAN on their Favorite Name List
rated this name
have this name
wish they had this name
gave this name to their child

(: okay the confirmation list of the CNY party^^ on tues so far is as follows(those which are"most likely" are added in too kay.)
Joshua (CANT)
Huay Yee
Jing Han
Eunice (CANT)
Syahkeer ( CANT)
Theodore (CANT)

btw, Happy CNY all!!!

I hope I haven't left anyone out!If i have, pls tell me kayy thx(gta confirm haa^^)
Tdae was CNY CLEBRATIONS!woots~my school let us off pretty , abt 10++ and during the celebs ToNs of phones were confiscated, maybe 14 yeah. went bacl with steven, dylan and jing han (HPPS 4EVA!~)back to HPPS and met the others alrdy there, namely Joey and Mel, then loads of ppl started coming in haha.SO MANY!~ Claudia was complaining bout
her sch letting off late XXD then we went to watch a moviiiie SB!+sam. We watched "Just Follow Law" which was REALLY funny (hahaa~)even though i came like, 40 mins late,still got the gist of the story yeps(: we went LANning at EMax later haha~even though the girls didnt join us (claudia and HY) we still had fun^^ u 2 shld have joined us hahaXD. the day was like, SUPA short for me (sighs...)好天不留!haha so China. well kp in touch and hope to see all u guys on Tues!^^ (we wont be the only ones there though, my bro and sis are having their frens ovr 2.) sighs i'll be off to Malacca(or Melaka according to my history bk haha.)so wont be updating till Mon kayy.fzzzzt. mr lim wuz wearing our "MINGSTER" tee!(: SB and 6f'6 4eva~

Thursday, February 15, 2007 . 5:21 AM

hey people~for confirmation ill just post it up here kayy.arnd LUNCH time (its a hol(: ) , my hse 46 Mt Sinai Ave.can messge me at 92217729 or email me at chanchintat@hotmail.com kay thx!pls try to make it~

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 . 6:39 AM

haha finally got my cbox~~~but nd help on placing the skin frm blogskin into template hahas. THANK YOU CLAUDIA for helping!(:yeah havent updated for quite some time le.....the date is confirmed for the CNY party:3rd dae of CNY(tues), arnd lunch XD pls SMS at 92217729 or email at chanchintat@hotmail.com to tell me if u wanna go okay?open to ALL HenryParkers (: